Become an Ipsos Mystery Shopper
What is it?
A Mystery Shopper is essentially an undercover agent posing as a regular customer to evaluate the quality of a service. They will interact with staff for in person channels, purchase products or services, and then provide detailed feedback on their experiences, such as staff friendliness, product knowledge, cleanliness, and overall level of service. Mystery Shoppers play a vital role in helping companies identify areas for improvement and share feedback with their teams so they can improve.

Do you have what it takes to be a Mystery Shopper?
iShopFor Ipsos Mystery Shoppers must meet the following requirements:
Why mystery shop with iShopFor Ipsos?
It’s Free
Registration to become an iShopFor Ipsos Mystery Shopper is always free.
We pay you for Mystery Shops that you complete, not the other way around.
It’s Flexible
You decide when, where and how you want to work.
Once registered, you can choose from a variety of Mystery Shopping opportunities in your neighbourhood, over the phone, or online.
It’s Impactful
As a Mystery Shopper, you help businesses improve their service quality, comply with government regulations, and ensure their brand is consistently and excellently represented.
It Pays
Your feedback is valuable — let us pay you for it!
The payment and reimbursement amount for each Mystery Shopping job is visible before you accept it.