From Side Hustle to a Full-Time Gig: Yes, you can make mystery shopping a full-time career

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to transform your Mystery Shopping side hustle into a full-time career? I did it, and it might not be as hard as you think. In this blog, I'll explore the journey of transitioning from occasional gigs to a rewarding and sustainable Mystery Shopping profession. 

Mystery Shopping: the OG Side Hustle 

First things first, what is Mystery Shopping? Mystery Shopping is a form of market research that involves assessing the quality of service, products, or experiences provided by businesses. It's an undercover mission that allows you to play the role of a customer while gathering valuable insights for companies. Mystery Shopping companies partner with independent contractors (that’s you), give them some basic instructions, and send them into store environments (in-store, online and even over the phone) to evaluate a typical customer experience and report how it went. From there, the companies will take that feedback, analyze it, and share it back with their clients to help them make their business better. 

Many Mystery Shoppers start their journey by taking on part-time or occasional gigs in their free time or because they want to supplement their income. When I started, I was looking to make an extra $50 a week. Back then (which was not that long ago, thank you very much), I found 2 companies I liked and $50 equated to about 10 Shops a week. The investment is minimal, and if you partner with multiple Mystery Shopping companies, there’s a lot of flexibility and options to choose from. 

What makes a good mystery shopper? 

Even as a side hustle, there are skills required to help build your personal brand as a Mystery Shopper and grow it into something you can do full time. The skills you need: 

  • Keen writing and observation skills to complete your reports 
  • Reliability in completing your assignments and communicating early when plans fall through 
  • Ability to remain covert and “roll with the punches” so you don’t reveal yourself as a mystery shopper while conducting a mystery shop 

At the end of the day, Mystery Shopping is primarily a people business, so building a reputation of being communicative and reliable will go a long way to building strong relationships with Mystery Shopping providers and even get you access to exclusive opportunities. 

Partner with the right companies 

Finding companies that offer Mystery Shopping isn’t hard, but you should beware of scams. If you’re looking for credible Mystery Shopping companies, start with the MSPA, or Mystery Shopping Providers Association. This global industry organization vets legitimate companies and awards their members’ favorite providers annually at their Shopper’s Choice Awards. 

Taking your side hustle to the next level requires focusing on the companies that offer the most variety and volume of work in your area. There are Mystery Shopping social media groups, forums and reviews that can help with this research, but I recommend finding companies that Mystery Shop globally as a starting point – chances are they will yield more consistent work. 

Build your Brand 

Yes, YOUR brand. As an independent contractor, you are the owner and operator of a small business. And that business is YOU. To transition from side hustle to full-time gig, it's essential to develop your skills and expertise. Standing out isn’t hard. Login to your Shopper account regularly and look for work. 

Don’t just jump to the highest paying jobs – yes, they are great, but they don’t come around as often as the smaller, quicker and (therefore lower paying) assignments. Take some of the boring tasks where you have to wait in line to talk to a customer service representative about a smartphone and get paid $10. I’m not suggesting you only take those assignments, but pepper them in with the work you are passionate about. 

This methodology sky rocketed my visibility in the industry within the first 6 months I was Mystery Shopping. When companies find a Mystery Shopper who conducts tasks that are harder for them to fill, the people managing those programs remember the names of the contractors that supported them. They’ll start finding you, offering you better gigs and more opportunities. 

All of the assignments you see posted and available to you need to get done. If you stay organized, you can build yourself a full day’s work with minimal effort. Simply picking up assignments, reading the instructions, filling out a survey using clear photos and complete sentences, and submitting them on time is all you need to do to have these companies remember your name. 

Maximizing Your Earnings 

Remember how my goal was to make $50 a week when I started? I went from $50 a week to about $500 a week within a year – as a side hustle. I found myself thinking, “Could I do this full time?” I didn’t know anyone who did it full time – most people I told didn’t even really know it was a thing. It is, and here’s how you can do it. 

Prioritize partnering with 3-5 companies: This is a controversial statement, but in my experience, even the most organized of all of us will get overwhelmed with the sheer number of automated emails that come your way when you try to sign up with everyone. You don’t want to miss the opportunities that give you that consistent work for consistent pay. 

  • Create an LLC: This helps create a separation for tax purposes. If you’re going to do this full time, invest in yourself. Invest in your brand. And send a message to mystery shopping providers that you’re serious. 
  • Set goals: As part of your personal business plan, what are you looking to accomplish here? For me it was that cash and more flexibility with my schedule so I could prioritize my family. For you, it could be travel. Whatever it is, have a plan in mind and work toward it. 

Do not underestimate the power of being organized: If you’re always messy and writing things down on the back of a napkin, this is not going to go well for you. This list is long, and the more you get into it, the more you learn about other tools to help you. But without question – you need these. 

A quality smartphone. Something with decent memory and a quality camera. You can literally run your business from this thing. Choose wisely. 

Let me take this one step further. If you don’t know the power of your smartphone, explore it a bit. You can record audio during an interaction so you don’t forget details, you can use quick buttons for taking covert photos without risking revealing yourself. You can scan. You can use talk to text to fill out narratives. It’s not rocket science, and these examples don’t seem mind blowing, but they ARE game changers. 

  • A mapping tool: Trust me. Creating a route using a mapping tool online can save you so much time and make you the most efficient in maximizing the number of mystery shops you can complete in a day. Just start with Google maps, but if you get super serious, investing in a subscription like Circuit or Badger Maps can help you make the most of your mystery shopping route.
  • A mileage tracker: I’m not talking about that little notebook your dad used to keep in his glove box. I’m talking about an app. That just…tracks it for you. MileIQ is a great example. 
  • A financial tracker: Getting paid is fluid in this industry. Every company has their own policy and cadence for payment. Pay attention to this. Track the work you do, when you do it and what portions of your payments are reimbursements vs. compensation (you don’t pay taxes on reimbursements). As an independent contractor, this is all on you. These companies don’t pay your taxes, so you have to plan for that. I cannot stress this enough. Quick Books, an excel document, whatever works. Just track it. 
  • Be consistent: Check your priority company job boards daily. Communicate often. It’s never too much. Submit your work on time. And if you can’t – make sure they know. 
  • Network: As you engage with your preferred providers, engage with them. Some companies, like iShopFor Ipsos, host an annual mystery shopping workshop to connect with their mystery shoppers. Shake hands, share your personal experiences, and connect meaningfully. You want your name to cross their mind FIRST when they have something cool come up. (And cool stuff comes up – more than you think). 
  • Try new things: You can’t make a living on eating cheeseburgers for a mystery shopping company. Sometimes more complex programs can seem overwhelming to try. If a mystery shopping company is doing their job, they have materials and resources to help you get through that. Ask for support. Ask for clarification. And then go for it. My recommendation is to get yourself a safety vest and dive deep into gas station mystery shopping. All of the big oil and gas brands in the US participate in mystery shopping every month. Try it. Ask for help. And grow your business. 
  • Be patient: You have the power to turn this into something sustainable. Take your time and do it right. If you come in too strong or demanding, your reputation will be damaged. And mystery shopping providers can be petty…I said what I said. Take your time. Ask for help. Use the resources and find your rhythm. 
  • It’s still a job: Yes, you have flexibility. Yes, you can work when you want. But you’re going to get a report rejected once in a while. It happens to all of us. You’re going to be frustrated with a company who has to pull back a few shops they promised you because they no longer need them. You’ll likely be down right furious with the amount of emails you receive at the end of a month when everyone is desperate to get their shops completed. Mystery shopping companies aren’t perfect. Stay focused on the bigger picture and just remember that you’ll have good days and then…well… bad days. 

Within 18 months of starting my side hustle, I was able to quit my 9 to 5 job and make double what I was making as a Mystery Shopper. I hustled. I worked long days and I stayed consistent. It paid off and greatly impacted my work-life balance in a positive way. 

Because of the connections I made along my journey, I was also offered contractor positions scheduling Mystery Shops and editing the reports – all growing my monthly income. 

There are so many resources available now that were not available when I started. There are getting started webinars, side hustle influencers, industry forums and more that can help you get started and stay connected. By building your brand, your expertise, and embracing new challenges, you can turn your passion for evaluation into a rewarding and sustainable business model.

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