Easter Bank Holiday - Adjusted Support Hours

We're headed into the first bank holiday of the year! If you're looking to reach our team for support please note that we have limited coverage on the shopper support desk throughout the weekend to allow the teams a well deserved break.

Many projects have blackout dates and some stores may have adjusted opening hours, so be sure to check your project guidelines and store opening times carefully.

Email is best to reach us over the weekend - support@ipsosmysteryshopper.co.uk

Friday 7 April - Ipsos Offices Closed
Saturday 8 April - Mailbox checked between 10am and 1pm GMT
Sunday 9 April - Mailbox checked intermittently between 10am and 5pm GMT
Monday 10 April - Ipsos Offices Closed

We will continue to have our QA team working through the weekend, so you should see tasks validated as usual.

Also a reminder that due to bank holidays, the pay which normally would have arrived to you on 10 April was moved back and will be in accounts on 6 April. We return to our regular schedule in subsequent weeks. 

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